
Mark Hass and EducateUSA

MARK HASS is an ACT Chapter Leader for Silicon Valley, and Director of EducateUSA. He identified the MSA (Muslim Students Association) at his daughter's school as a threat in his local community, and formulated a strategy to a) politely educate local school boards and local government, and b) to let them know that once they were politely informed and made aware of the affiliations and activities of the MSA, they would be held accountable for that knowledge.

Mark is using testimony and findings from the HLF (Holy Land Foundation) trial and convictions, including the list of 'unindicted co-conspirators' and ties to Muslim Brotherhood, etc. In addition, he recently added info from the CAIR investigations. His strategy has undergone several iterations and legal reviews.

And he is mentoring a group of citizen warriors, providing outstanding leadership, conviction and purpose.

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